The capability to fly is remarkable. I’m amazed at how birds fly through the tree tops dodging limbs, fly in flocks without colliding, and fly thousands of miles to the same area to nest every spring.
Standing on an almost-submerged rock in the mountain stream, the chunky gray bird waded into the fast-flowing water and stuck its head underwater. Snorkeling, the…
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The ruckus of magpies and ravens caught my attention as I walked up the road. As I approached, the magpies, ravens and eagles flew off…
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Living with wildlife takes on a new meaning when they begin to share your house. Ants and insects commonly infiltrate into a house and can…
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The loud piercing “kill-dee” or “dee-dee-dee” call of the aptly named killdeer alerts all to the presence of predators or a disturbance. The noisy vocal…
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The “cheer up, cheerily, cheerio, cheerily” of the American robin fills the air at the crack of dawn. A musical chorus ensues and tapers before…
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A bird true to its name is the red-winged blackbird. The descriptive name of the red-winged blackbird only applies to the male though. The female…
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This gallery contains 6 photos.
Ravens are black, rarely white. I’m lucky to have a white raven frequenting the field near our house. I didn’t get a close look but…
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A deep whoo, whoo, whoo-whooo, whooo-whooo resonates across the field as evening quickly fades away. The three to eight loud, deep hoots come from…
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Fences, stakes and lines on a map define my property from my neighbors’s property. Animal’s have property lines too but they define them differently. Some…
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Is it too early for spring? The first robin sighting is a hint of what’s to come. Looking back at my calendars, this sighting is…
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Staying warm in winter is crucial for animals to survive. Mammals have thick fur and birds fluff their feathers but their legs often have little…
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Last weekend, the chickadees and nuthatches finally found the two bird feeders I filled several weeks ago. For birds, finding a full feeder is like…
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