Invertebrates–animals without backbones. That covers a lot of species from butterflies to spiders to slugs and earthworms. I could have divided this category into more specific categories like spiders, insects or mollusks, but often I don’t even know where to start looking when trying to identify an invertebrate. Did you know ticks are arachnids not insects?

Stopping to smell a wildflower–particularly a yellow or white one–may bring you eye-to-eye with a crab spider. Perched motionless with legs outstretched like a miniature…
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From the moment they pupate into an adult until they die, honeybees are constantly working. Truthfully, it is the females who work constantly. Three types…
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Mosquito eaters, skeeter eaters and mosquito hawks are a few names for the gangly crane fly that looks like an over-sized mosquito. However, these names…
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Without a single lesson, a young spider can build its own web. As the spider grows, so does the size of the web. While every…
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Not a single fly buzzes through the house all winter and on a sunny spring day they all seem to come out of the woodwork–quite…
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Wandering through the woods, I found a tree with claw marks scratched in the bark at eye-level and black hair stuck to once oozing sap.…
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As the yellow leaves of autumn drop from trees, they often reveal hidden treasures such as bird nests and less desirable wasp nests. The gray,…
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I catch a slight movement out of the corner of my eye and stop to scan the brushy slope. After a few seconds I spy…
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Insects range from beautiful butterflies to everyday ants to creepy spiders and everything in between. Praying mantises are in between with their strange looks and…
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Lying under the window at night I can hear the constant buzz of mosquitos swarming on the other side of the window screen. Almost asleep…
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I have never given much thought to worms besides wanting some in my garden and when they are scattered across roads on rainy days. I’ve…
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Of all places, I did not expect to see dozens of ladybugs milling around on bare rocks amidst the snow on a ridge above Trout…
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