Killdeer protect eggs by faking injury The loud piercing “kill-dee” or “dee-dee-dee” call of the aptly named killdeer alerts all to the presence of predators or a disturbance. The noisy vocal… Continue reading
Bird talk: Music to our ears The “cheer up, cheerily, cheerio, cheerily” of the American robin fills the air at the crack of dawn. A musical chorus ensues and tapers before… Continue reading
Who-Whoo is that calling in the dark? A deep whoo, whoo, whoo-whooo, whooo-whooo resonates across the field as evening quickly fades away. The three to eight loud, deep hoots come from… Continue reading
Howling at the moon reveals coyote’s presence As the light fades over the alfalfa field, the nighttime serenade begins with a long call, then a tremolo of howling. With all the howling… Continue reading